NEAS 2025 Abstract Submission Form
Craftsman Inn & Suites
Fayetteville, New York
April 4-6, 2025

Abstracts are Due by Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Presenter's firstname:
Presenter's lastname:
Preferred presentation category: Oral Presentations    Poster Presentations   
Are you willing to prepare a poster if all the oral slots are filled? Yes   No  
Oral presentations will be delivered using PowerPoint. Bring your (.pptx formatted) file on a USB drive and present it to the moderator for loading prior to the session in which you speak. Personal computers cannot be used for presentations.
For students only:

a) Would you like to compete for one of the awards listed below?
    The NEAS President's Award (undergraduate poster or oral presentation)
    The Robert T. Wilce Student Paper Award (graduate oral presentation)
    The Francis R. Trainor Poster Award (graduate poster)

b) If so, enter the name of your major professor:

Abstract Submission:
Abstracts for posters and oral presentations will be due Tuesday, 11 March 2025. They should be typed in MS Word (Mac or PC), single-­spaced, using 12-point Times font, with 1" margins on top and sides and must be no longer than 250 words including the title, authors and affiliations. For multi-­author talks, please underline the presenting author.

Abstracts should be submitted as an MS Word file (.doc or .docx) using the button below. All abstracts will have editorial review. Please adhere strictly to the formatting guidelines shown in the example abstract. For ease of managing numerous files, please save the abstract using the following naming convention:

PresenterLastname.Brief Title.Abstract.docx (Schneider.Travel for algae research.Abstract.docx)

Example abstract:
Studying Tropical Algae to Justify Travel to Nice Locations for Research. Craig Schneider1 & Gary Saunders2. 1Biology, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, 06106, U.S.A.; 2Centre for Environmental & Molecular Algal Research, Biology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3, Canada.
A recent survey of aging faculty revealed a stunning trend, suggesting that those studying tropical algae were more excited about fieldwork than those working in polar regions…

Attach Abstract (MS Word):

You may want to print this form for your records before pressing the Submit button.